Here is the latest update on the preparations for the beatification of Fr Dr Gussepi Ambrosoli which is due to take place on 20 November 2022 in Kalongo Town.
- The site clearance by communities of the different wards within Kalongo Town Council is continuing.
- Renovation of the Verona houses is due to kick-start by end of August 2022. These will be used as one of the various accommodations being prepared for the expected visitors attending the event.
- In line with that, the hospital staff who are occupying those houses following the departure of the Verona sisters have been asked to relocate to other accommodation to allow work to start.

The Kalongo Times is a news publication which celebrates progress and development in Kalongo town and the wider Deaconry (formally Kalongo Mission). The Deaconry encompasses present-day Agago, part of Pader, part of Kitgum and part of Abim.