Weekly beatification update: site clearance by Alupere Parish, fund raising begins, songs agreed, security enhanced and publicity update

Here is the latest update on the progress of the preparations for the beatification of Fr. Dr. Joseph Ambrosoli which is due to take place on 20 November 2022.

Site clearance by Alupere Parish

Site clearance continued last week with the Alupere Parish community undertaking the work. They did an amazing job of clearing the front of the church, removing the old seating and the old church wall.


A publicity road drive is planned in Gulu City for Thursday 25 August 2022 to raise awareness of the beatification amongst the public. A request has been made that Emmanuel Mwaka of Radio Maria heads the team who will be on the Mic. ????

Efforts are currently being made to gather resources from those who are willing to donate to this cause.

A representative of Radio Maria Uganda-Kampala named Gloria joined the publicity sub committee and was warmly welcomed by the Chairman of the committee, Daniel Komakech and members. The group hopes that some of the publicity recordings can be played on Radio Maria Kampala if permission is granted.

Fundraising begins

The campaign to raise the needed funds for the beatification has begun. Printed envelopes have been produced by the Chairman of the Publicity Committee, Daniel Komakech. Communities and well-wishers will be picking up these envelopes and returning them with their contributions.

Songs agreed and produced by Father Thaddeus Labedo

Meanwhile, new songs for the beatification have been officially produced by Father Thaddeus Labedo and are being practiced now two days a week by the Kalongo Parish Choir.

Father Thaddeus has also previously produced the jingle for the beatification and the logo which have both been approved by the Archbishop. These are to be used on all publicity and promotional materials.

Security enhanced

A security team of UPDF officers was deployed around the Mission and Kalongo Air Strip on Saturday 20 August to help prevent trespassing and stray animals. They will help secure the air strip for some expected test flights.

The Mission Aviation Flight (MAF) which used to land at the airstrip bringing medical specialists and other urgently required items for Dr. Ambrosoli Memorial Hospital, had stopped for a while. It has been brought back to use prior to this forth coming memorable and historical event. The air strip land was donated by Professor Dr John Joseph Otim to the Mission to support their efforts and the airstrip was constructed in 1990 by Brother Augustino.

Coming up…

There is a Kalongo Central Organising Committee (COC) meeting taking place on Thursday 25 August 2022 in preparation for the main COC meeting which will take place on Friday 26 August 2022.

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