Kalongo Technical Institute, 1st graduation ceremony, friday 20th september 2024

Kalongo Technical Institute held its first-ever graduation ceremony after 4 decades of existence on 20th September 2024.

This ceremony took place at the institute’s main playground. The Guest of Honour Mrs. Esther Aryemo, the District Education Officer (DEO), constituted the assembly into the 1st congregation of Kalongo Technical Institute and awarded National Certificates in the various courses undertaken by the graduates.

759 graduates were awarded certificates in various courses, while 61 graduates from the nonformal courses were awarded certificates commensurate with the short courses they attended.

The graduates were disaggregated according to the certificate courses as follows;

  1. National Certificate in Building and Construction, 384 graduands
  2. National Certificate in Fashion and Garment Design, 90 graduands
  3. National Certificate in Plumbing, 02 graduands
  4. National Certificate in Woodwork Technology, 100 graduands
  5. National Certificate in Agricultural Production, 80 graduands
  6. National Certificate in Automotive Mechanics, 47 graduands
  7. National Certificate in Electrical Installation Systems and Maintenance, 56 graduands

Other courses offered are, National Certificate in information and Communication Technology and the most recently introduced course is Certificate in Road Construction Maintenance and Road Survey.

Five graduates were recognized for their exceptional performances in the various courses as follows;

1.         Okello Mathias – National Certificate in Plumbing

2.         Ongom Daniel Comboni – National Certificate in Electrical Installation Systems and Maintenance

3.         Awor Rachel – National Certificate in Electrical Installation Systems and Maintenance

4.         Ogwari Daniel – National Certificate in Automotive Mechanics

5.         Drateru Beyonze – National Certificate in Fashion and Garment Design

The graduation started off with a thanksgiving mass celebrated by the Reverand Ramond Vergas, the Parish Priest of Kalongo Catholic Parish. In his homily, he noted that unlike what many people tend to believe, God is not a remote thing living somewhere in the heavens but rather God is with us in Jesus his son, and this faith in him gives us strength to live the way we are supposed to live with a true respect for our human nature in all ways; in our intellect, in our body, in our health but also in our spiritual life because that is part of being human. He encouraged the congregation to be spiritual, and as human beings, they should open their eyes and their minds and surrender their lives to God to work in them so as to receive that good news of Christ’s gospel and to bear fruit.

He warned that if you know things and do not want to apply them to your life, then you will remain in oblivion. God wants his children to continuously bear much fruit. All that he has given us, we receive that in Christ his son as gift of our Father, gifts such as our intellect, our life, this opportunity to learn together to get a trade. Mind you, Jesus was a carpenter, a builder together with his father Joseph; Jesus spent most of his life between the ages of 12 to 30 years, that’s about 18 years of his life as a carpenter and builder in Nazareth, his true nature on earth manifested later on.

Fr. Ramond reiterated God as being a carpenter, he even posed a question asking graduands who are carpenters or builders, he praised them for emulating Jesus and Joseph, and was intrigued by the wonderful choice they have made. He encouraged the graduands to love and cherish the talents God has given them, to multiply them for the glory of God and for their own good and in that way they will receive the beautiful blessing; “Come faithful servant, you are very good in little things, so now i give you something better to take care of; enter into heaven”.

He said that today we should thank God for the seed that has fallen in our hearts, that faith in Christ that we have, and for that many gifts that we have received from God – the gift of intellect, the opportunity to study, the opportunity to grow together, to dream for better days for our society, for our country through hard work, responsibility, honesty and dedication. Dedication pays. Idleness and dishonesty, have their days counted and even if you see many people growing to those kinds of bad behaviours, don’t worry their days will surely come. He encouraged them to try their level best to continue to harvest and to sow under the law of God with hard work, with enthusiasm, with faith, with hope in God who became a carpenter and builder and is with us; the one who will make the fruit of our hands, the fruit of our labour will really remain because they have been invested in him and with him.

The Principal Kalongo Technical Institute Mr. Kisarach Godfrey Wilfred in his welcome remarks appreciated all who turned up for the graduation ceremony. He stressed that this occasion marked a milestone for Kalongo Technical Institute as it celebrates its first graduation ceremony in four decades of its existence. He also appreciated the Late Prof. Dr. John Joseph Otim for his vision in starting Kalongo Technical Institute in quest for excellence in Technical Education. He congratulated the graduands and acknowledged their achievement as a testimony of their hard work, dedication and perseverance. He cautioned them that the knowledge and skills they have acquired should be helpful in developing problem solving abilities, critical thinking and creativity. He appreciated the parents for their sacrifices made in supporting the education of their children and pledged to continue striving for excellence in technical education and continuous improvement and innovation.

The Academic Registrar Mr. Oryem Sylvester also appreciated very much this monstrous occasion of the first graduation ceremony in forty years. He appreciated the tireless efforts of the graduands that enabled them achieve this milestone. He however, cautioned them that the skills and knowledge acquired are not just for personal gain but also for the betterment of the community and the nation. He equally recognized the vision and dedication of the Late Prof. Dr. John Joseph Otim in laying the foundation of the Institute forty years ago.

The Chairperson Board of Governors Kalongo Technical Institute Mr. Odur Lagen Jovita appreciated and greeted all who have endeavoured to come an be part of the 1st graduation ceremony since 1983. He noted that during the course of the years, various students who have passed through this institution acquired maximum knowledge and skills which enabled them to create their own jobs while others pursued further studies to improve on their knowledge and skills.

The Chairperson highlighted on some of the achievements and challenges experienced over the years. Some of the achievements worth noting are the institute excelling in discipline and sports as well as structural developments like construction of gigantic administration and classroom blocks, Girl’s dormitory, soil testing laboratory as well as the recently acquired 30 acres of farmland at Aywee-garagara among others.

Key among the challenges facing the institute are inadequate staff housing coupled with inadequate staffing, the absence of a perimeter wall further exposes the institution to a great security risk and this needs to be put in place. Water and electricity are still insufficient and erratic, the boys need a better modern dormitory with all the necessary amenities. Financial resources remain inadequate for the daily operations and more importantly the desire to upgrade the level of the Institute to a technical college to enable our students attain the diploma programmes with minimal challenge as opposed to the current situation.

The Chairperson appreciated the support and contribution from the various stakeholder, Government of Uganda, the foundation body, board of Governors, Principal, the academic and non teaching staff and all stakeholders including those who set the foundation for the technical education in Kalongo Technical Institute.

Finally, he bid the graduands well as they go out to create employment opportunities.

The family of the Late Prof. Dr. John Joseph Otim who helped found Kalongo Technical Institute in their speech read on their behalf by Mr. Obonyo Alex, announced the “Professor Dr John Joseph Otim Scholarship”. This is a four-million-shilling scholarship which will start in academic year 2025 and will help to fund two students a year from Kalongo to attend the Institute. This is to ensure the local students benefit from this important institution and to help the growth and development of Kalongo. The family reiterated their intension to continue to support and promote this institution going forward. 

The Chief Guest, Mrs. Esther Aryemo (District Education Officer Agago) who presided over the graduation ceremony in her opening remarks appreciated the Principal for organising this graduation ceremony, she emphasised its significance and timeliness and further remarked that the government is more interested in developing skills in our community and among our children and that is why at Primary and secondary levels our children ae being taught life skill training. She reiterated that this kind of arrangement motivates other children to join technical training to acquire life skill. She also requested the Kalongo Technical institute to open her doors to primary and Secondary Schools who would want to bring their pupils and students for technical skills application exposures. She requested the TVET Education Officer who represented the Commissioner TVET operations and management at the Ministry of Education and Sports for elevation of the Technical Institute to a Technical College so that our Children can access diploma training after completing their certificate course without having to travel far to attain that level of Education. She urged that in the whole district big as it is, has only one Technical Institute and the is need for another to make them two. She also requested for consideration of coding of Adilang Vocational training school that is being supported by donors from Germany and they are doing a tremendous job.

The Chief Guest Mrs. Aryemo reiterated that in Agago District at most 6 students qualify for government scholarships at A level and yet we have very many students coming out and fizzling without getting absorbed and hence such institutions like Kalongo Technical Institute can be a great opportunity to take in many of them. She also appreciated the Government program on irrigation but decried the lack of expertise and skills necessary to operate the irrigation equipment.

She noted that the Institute has good pieces of equipment and machinery like for mechanic that would be very useful if they could open a mechanic garage to repair vehicles to avoid moving to far off places when the capacity is available with us at this institute.

In conclusion, she appreciated the family of the late Prof. Dr. John Joseph Otim very much for his visionary acumen, otherwise we would not be here celebrating. She prayed that God rewards them and thanked them for their continued support. She also humbly requested other people who have capacity to come in and support in any way the can.

Meanwhile, Mr. John Okidi Otto the district official who acted in the capacity of the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), applauded the Board, management and staff for organising the first graduation for the Institute, he pledged further the commitment of the district to support the technical school and encouraged the graduands to be job creators as they go out to ply their trade.

The representative from the Ministry of Education and sports representing commissioner TVET operations and management Mr. Samuel Bagombeka (MOES Desk Officer TVET – Acholi Region) appreciated God for this day and for many things, he noted that in attaining 40 years, there is every reason to thank God. He continued by appreciating the efforts of the principal, staff and the board for not waiting for the perfect condition which often does not exist, he appreciated them for being bold and brave. He however, deplored the low uptake of the girl child, only 72 (about 9% of the total graduands) were able to graduate. He informed the congregation that the Ministry of Education and Sports has put in place affirmative action policy for scholarship for the girl child. He encouraged the principal to take advantage of this if he has not yet so that we can improve their enrolment. He also complimented the founder and appreciated so much for being visionary. He noted that without a vision, there is no development. In fact, “a nation without vision always perishes”.

He appreciated the graduands who are the subject matter of the day. Everybody is celebrating today their success and hard work that has now yielded fruit. He further noted that hard work pays, and went on to quote the bible Psalms 126 vs 5-6 “Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy”. Additionally, he observed that “a successful person has many parents but a failure is always an orphan”. He also said that if you put God first you will never be the last.

He appreciated Government for the capitation grant and linking with donors and development partners for infrastructure development and support given to the institution.

Concerning the request made by the DEO and the board to consider upgrading of the institution to technical college, he responded that government of recent conducted a categorization study to assess how this can be done across the board right from technical School, Institution, College, National Polytechnic and University. At the moment there is as yet no University for purely technical education but that is the direction the ministry is aiming at.

He acknowledged the contribution of all stakeholders for their unwavering support to the Institution, in equal measure he appreciated the Board of governors. He thanked the parents for their sacrifices and support to educate their children. He emphasised that “a shilling invested in education yields more returns than a shilling invested in physical structures like houses, vehicles etc. He then went ahead and presented his special messages to the graduands as follows;

  1. Apply knowledge acquired, “we dont be to be but we be to do”.
  2. Create more wealth and employment
  3. Go further with your education, strive further, “for those who climb the highest part of the tree enjoys the best fruits”.
  4. Be good ambassadors of the Institution, like a billboard that advertises the good of the institution; by behaving well, giving good ideas, creating wealth, being humble and a hard-working person.

He advised that the institution should train with production. As students learn, they should also make goods for sale. In future there will be no capitation grant. Government is moving away from consumptive expenditure where moneys are released without work done. Money is “quid pro quo” meaning you only get money after working for it. Government is encouraging Institutions and Universities to train with production, and that is why it has continued to equip them with the tools, equipment and machines necessary to facilitate production and hence, it is important that they make use of the resources provided and make money from them. He noted that it is absurd that in-spite of the available resources, the institution is very poor. A poor rich institution with resources and knowledge but yet poor. He said that he expects in the next occasion like this one, there should be exhibitions where parents and the people around can come and buy the handiwork of students. This is also a way of attracting money from peoples’ pockets, by providing a service of or producing a good. He cautioned the institution against closing during holidays as this is a time to do production work and also provide non formal training in short courses. He recommended for exhibition where internal institutional competitions are held, and as well as participate in Regional, National, African and International skills competition. Heads of department must organize open day exhibitions. He noted that “poverty is not a lack of money but a lack of ideas”.

He assured the audience that the education sector is currently undergoing reformation and that is why institutions are being equipped, staff capacity building ad recruitment of additional staff is being done.

He then cautioned the members of the board, management and staff against infighting that negatively affects the progress of the institution.

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